Summer 2008
What’s Inside :
2. Editor’s Note
4. Around The Water Cooler
5. Interview With a CKTI
6. Hidden Salt More Dangerous Than The Saltshaker
9 .Toxins In Tap Water
12. Yes, You Can Sleep Too Much
16. Laughter, Just What The Doctor Ordered
18. Your KT Reseach
25. Seminar City
29. Kase’s Corner

2008 Beijing Olympic Retrospective
What’s Inside :
2. Editor’s Note
4. Kinesio In The Olympics
23. Dr. Ted Forcum: Team USA’s Doctor
24. Dr. Michael Douglas: Jamaica’s Olympic Team Chiropractor
25 Kase’s Corner

Spring 2007
What’s Inside :
2. Editor’s Note
6. Work-Out Friendly Meals
8. It’s As Easy As Riding A Bike
10. Who Ever Said Exercise Can’t Be Fun?
13. Around the Water Cooler
17. Treatment for the Disorder of Dancers
24. KTA Approved
25. Seminars City
29. Kase’s Corner
Summer 2007
What’s Inside:
2. Editor’s Note
6. Feel Good Foods: Ideas for Summertime
8. Dive Right In
10. The Dog Days of Summer
14. Life in the Fast Lane
21. Management of Scar Tissue
25. KTA Approved
26. Seminars City
29. Kase’s Corner
Winter 2007
What’s Inside:
2. Editor’s Note
4. Around The Water Cooler
8. Healthy Eats at Your Fast Food Favorites
12. The Winter Time Favorite: Skiing & Snowboarding
16. Running For The Cure Pt. 2
20. This Is What Being A Therapist Is All About
23. The World of Kinesio
25 .Seminar City
29. Kase’s Corner
Summer 2006
What’s Inside:
4. Letter From The Editor
5. Summer Meals
7. Summer Shade Sippers
9. Yoga
12. Poster Principles for Aging well
14. Attaining Posture through Kinesio
16. Shoulder Pain
18. Just Like Riding a Bike
21. Tale of the tape
24. Seminar City
25. Seminar Smiles
26. Seminar Breakdown
31. Kase’s Corner
Autumn 2006
What’s Inside:
2. Editor’s Note
4. Around The Water Cooler
8. Healthy Eats at Your Fast Food Favorites
12. The Winter Time Favorite: Skiing & Snowboarding
16. Running For The Cure Pt. 2
20. This Is What Being A Therapist Is All About
23. The World of Kinesio
25 .Seminar City
29. Kase’s Corner
Winter 2006
What’s Inside:
2. Editor’s Note
6. Fueled by Omega-3
10. Swim for that All-In-One Workout.
16. Kinesio Taping in Stroke. Improving Functional Use of the Upper Extremety in Hemiplegia. Trunk and Scapula Perspective.
21. KiOffice Insight
25. KTA Approved
26. Seminars City
29. Kase’s Corner