Seminar Categories

Kinesio Taping Foundations Course
The Kinesio Taping Foundations Course is a hybrid course that will present all the concepts and techniques of Kinesio Taping in an expedited 2 day course format for certification. The course will be held over an 8 Hour two-day period with a 4 Hour online Pre-course. The Kinesio online Pre-course must be completed prior to attending the course. This course will present an overview of the development of the Kinesio Taping Method, Fundamental concepts, assessments and screening tests. After completing fundamental concepts, the course will move into advanced techniques and clinical reasoning. Attendees will problem solve complex clinical cases requiring the application of multiple Kinesio taping techniques. Lab sessions will provide time to practice assessments and screenings, plus applying techniques to a variety of upper and lower body conditions. Instructors will provide personalized feedback to each attendee to insure a thorough grasp of the taping concepts and techniques.

Sensory Point Taping with Kinesio® Medical Taping
This course focuses on understanding neuroanatomy & neuromuscular systems and using elastic therapeutic tape. Participants will be introduced to the connection between “superficial systems” (skin, nervous, fascia, circulatory) and body organ systems (e.g., lungs/digestion), and their interplay with speech and swallowing function.
Participants will be educated on precautions, contraindications, and home exercise programming examples, when recommending the uses of elastic therapeutic tape (with Kinesio Tape®) and/or vibroacoustic soundwave therapy as part of patient programming.

KT4 Specialty Hand Therapy
Specialty Hand Concepts of the Kinesio Taping® Method is an 8 hour advanced seminar appropriate for practitioners who treat upper extremity/hand problems. In this seminar we will explore common diagnoses seen in the hand clinic and present suggested taping techniques for them.
(Prerequisites: Kinesio Taping Assessments, Fundamental Concepts, and Techniques and Kinesio Taping Advanced Techniques and Clinical Reasoning OR 20 hour Kinesio Taping® Express Course)

KT4 Specialty Lymphatic
The Specialty Lymphatic Concepts of the Kinesio Taping® Method course will address Kinesio Taping Methods for lymphatic and circulatory conditions of the upper and lower extremities. Addresses Kinesio Taping® Methods for improving breathing, constipation, muscle and posture issues, and other conditions that affect the lymphatic function as well as Advanced swelling management for the initial, collector, and deep lymphatics.
(Prerequisites: Kinesio Taping Assessments, Fundamental Concepts, and Techniques and Kinesio Taping Advanced Techniques and Clinical Reasoning OR 20 hour Kinesio Taping® Express Course)

KT4 Specialty Neurological
This course addresses variations in nervous system status. The attendees will develop treatment strategies and practice extensive Kinesio Taping techniques to address a wide variety of issues encountered when treating patients with neurological diseases. Some examples include: CVA, CP, ALS, MD, MS, and TBI.
(Prerequisites: Kinesio Taping Assessments, Fundamental Concepts, and Techniques and Kinesio Taping Advanced Techniques and Clinical Reasoning OR 20 hour Kinesio Taping® Express Course)

Kinesio Taping Specialty- Pediatric
The Pediatric course is designed to provide advanced Kinesio Taping techniques as a method of treatment for children with neuromuscular, musculoskeletal and myofascial impairments from infancy through adolescence. Attendees will review theory and basic taping techniques, learn advanced and combination taping techniques, and develop clinical reasoning skills relevant to the pediatric population. The course will also provide commonly used taping techniques for specific diagnoses, including cerebral palsy, low tone, hemiplegia, torticollis, and brachial plexus injury; as well as pediatric sports-related injuries.

KT4 Specialty Sports/Orthopedic
KT4 Sports/Orthopedic course attendees will practice their skills on a variety of applications correlated with specific clinical sports conditions. This course is designed to give attendees guidelines on how to combine the concepts learned in the Day 1 - 3 courses with the concepts of sport medicine.
(Prerequisites: Kinesio Taping Assessments, Fundamental Concepts, and Techniques and Kinesio Taping Advanced Techniques and Clinical Reasoning OR 20 hour Kinesio Taping® Express Course)

Equine Introduction & Concepts (KTE1 & KTE2)
KTE1: Introduction to the Kinesio Taping Method for Equine, Basic Kinesio Taping Concepts & Kinesio Taping Muscle Applications
(To be taken in conjunction with KTAI approved KTE2 course)
The KTE1 course is designed to introduce practitioners to the Kinesio Taping Method. During this eight-hour class, the instructor will introduce Kinesio Taping concepts, theory and history, and describe the unique properties of Kinesio Tex Tape. During lab sessions, attendees will experiment with the application of Kinesio Tex Tape on themselves followed by a demonstration of the basics of Equine functional assessment where attendees will have time to practice basic muscle and joint applications of Kinesio Tex Tape on the horses. Upon completion of this course, attendees will be able to discuss and apply the Kinesio Taping Method to relax overuse syndromes, stimulate weak muscles, and decrease pain and swelling.
KTE2: Kinesio Taping Concepts & Corrective Techniques for Equine
(To be taken in conjunction with KTAI approved KTE1 course)
(Prerequisite is completion of KTAI approved KTE1 course)
The KTE2 course builds on material learned in KTE1. During this eight-hour class, the instructor will introduce the five Corrective Techniques (Functional, Space, Fascia, Ligament/Tendon, and Lymphatic) and discuss their application in a variety of clinical conditions. During lab sessions, attendees will have ample time to practice applying the corrective techniques to a variety of equine conditions. Upon completion of this course, attendees will be able to discuss and apply the Kinesio Taping Method to equine conditions.

Equine Advanced Clinical Applications (KTE3)
Advanced Clinical Applications of the Kinesio Taping Method for Equine
(Prerequisite is completion of KTAI approved KTE1 & KTE2 courses)
The KTE3 course combines KTE1 & KTE2 coursework with extra lab time for attendees to practice their skills on a variety of clinical applications. KTE3 will allow the Instructor to cater towards specific practitioner protocols, clinical applications and conditions. Upon completion of this course and prerequisite KTE1 & KTE2 seminar, attendees will be eligible to request and take the exam to become a Certified Kinesio Taping Practitioner- Equine (CKTP-E).

Kinesio Taping® Foundations- Spanish
El curso Kinesio® Foundations es un curso híbrido que presenta los conceptos y técnicas del vendaje Kinesio, el desarrollo del Método de Vendaje Kinesio, conceptos fundamentales, evaluaciones y pruebas de cribado, junto con técnicas avanzadas y razonamiento clínico.
El curso se llevará a cabo en un período de dos días, con una duración total de 8 horas, y contará con un Precurso de 4 horas en línea.
El Precurso en línea de Kinesio debe completarse antes de asistir al curso presencial.
Los participantes resolverán casos clínicos complejos que requieren la aplicación de múltiples técnicas de vendaje. Las sesiones de laboratorio proporcionarán tiempo para practicar evaluaciones y cribados, así como para aplicar las técnicas a diversas afecciones en las extremidades superiores e inferiores.
Nota: Los Cursos Oficiales de Zoom en Línea se realizan completamente en línea durante el período de dos días, junto con el Precurso en Línea de 4 horas.
Para consultas sobre el curso o información sobre cómo organizar un seminario de Vendaje Kinesio®, por favor contacte a Kinesio University en el correo electrónico

Kinesio Taping® for Massage Therapists
The Kinesio Taping® for Massage Therapists workshop covers basic principles of Kinesio Taping such as the characteristics of the tape, standard cuts, tension parameters, proper tape handling, application and removal, precautions, contraindications, and more. Participants learn and practice special screening and assessment techniques alongside common taping applications for fascia, muscle, tendon, and ligament, as well as the lymphatic/circulatory, mechanical, and space corrections. The practice sessions address a variety of upper and lower body conditions and ways in which the taping corrections are integrated into the therapist’s sessions.

Kinesio Taping® Foundations- Chinese
Kinesio Taping 基础课程是一门混合课程,将以 2 天快速认证课程的形式介绍 Kinesio Taping 的所有概念和技术。课程为期两天,共 8 小时,其中包括 4 小时的在线预修课程。参加课程前必须完成 Kinesio 在线预修课程。本课程将概述 Kinesio Taping 方法的发展、基本概念、评估和筛选测试。完成基本概念后,课程将进入高级技术和临床推理。学员将解决需要应用多种 Kinesio 胶带技术的复杂临床案例。实验室课程将提供时间练习评估和筛查,以及对各种上半身和下半身状况应用技术。讲师将为每位学员提供个性化的反馈意见,以确保学员全面掌握绑带概念和技术。