The Kinesio Taping® Method (KTM) goes way beyond slapping on a piece of tape. Dr. Kenzo Kase, KTM founder, is still closely involved in ongoing advancements and developments. Education is the crucial element of the KTM and its underlying philosophy of care.
Education provides the intellectual underpinning – the software, if you will — that puts the KTM into operation. It is the skill and enthusiasm of our trained Certified Kinesio Taping® Practitioners (CKTPs) and Instructors (CKTIs), that has helped make Kinesio Taping® a worldwide phenomenon. The curriculum reflects 25 years of symposiums, forums and professional sharing among tens of thousands of professionals worldwide.
So when we say education, we aren’t just talking about sitting in a classroom. Classes and seminars are part of it, but they are just one step on the journey. That journey will include practical training and research, professional sharing through meetings and symposiums, published articles and much more. For many, their education will include going through the formal certification process to become a CKTP and even possibly becoming a CKTI.
Even the material on this website is an education for those who are new to Kinesio.
In the classroom and in practical training, we aim always to meet Dr. Kase’s high standards of intellectual curiosity, medical performance and patient care. This standard has to include the desire to develop and refine a high degree of skill and intuition in the assessment and evaluation of patient needs. Inherent in every technique offered and studied in the KTM is the requirement to help patients, whether for support, correction or rehabilitation.
For this reason, evaluation and assessment techniques are a big part of the practitioner training component. In any form of treatment it is important that the patient’s condition is assessed properly so that the most effective treatment may be applied. Most of the time this will include an evaluation of the underlying causes of the immediate complaint. Without this training, the person applying the tape may lack a deep understanding of what is needed.
Even certification is only the beginning of a lifelong process of learning. The KTAI education program ensures that CKTPs and CKTIs stand out from the crowd in their ability to provide patients with the support and relief of the Kinesio Taping® Method.
Kinesio Medical Taping with EDF® Taught by Dr Kenzo Kase®
Kinesio Medical Taping is a future generation of treatment using Kinesio taping applications like EDF which can stimulate the epidermis at a cellar level. Kinesio Medical Taping are Kinesio Taping applications designed by Dr Kenzo Kase and executed in a new way to achieve optimal patient results. It is important to have knowledge of human anatomy to fully understand each advanced level Kinesio Medical Taping application such as Jellyfish, EDF (Epidermis, Dermis and Fascia) Snowflake and Fan Cut Taping to name a few.
EDF is a new Kinesio University course about applying Kinesio tape to the micro layers at the surface of the epidermis. Dr Kase designed EDF taping because he wanted to stimulate the Epidermis. Kinesio Tex Gold FP tape is used for EDF taping applications because it can be cut thinly so the application is lighter and can stimulate the surface of the skin. EDF taping applications have slits to elevate space and stimulate more lift in the epidermis layers. In addition to this by spreading out the application, and over overlapping layers, an EDF application is able to lift and elevate the space between the tissue layers in the Epidermis.