Equine Advanced Clinical Applications (KTE3)
- Program
- Objectives
- What's Included
- Agenda
- Prerequisites
- Gallery
- Reviews
- Instructor
The KTE3 course combines KTE1 & KTE2 coursework with extra lab time for attendees to practice their skills on a variety of clinical applications. KTE3 will allow the Instructor to cater towards specific practitioner protocols, clinical applications and conditions. Upon completion of this course and prerequisite KTE1 & KTE2 seminar, attendees will be eligible to request and take the exam to become Certified Kinesio Taping Practitioner - Equine (CKTP-E).
- Review of KTE 1-2.
- Clinical Taping Application Technique labs
- Kinesio Taping Corrections Review
- Kinesio Taping Assessments
- Kinesio EDF Taping
- Desired Effect of Treatment Goals
- Improve posture
- Decrease spasms
- Limit Oedema
- Target Area/Anatomy
- Type of Application
- Cut of tape
- Including Length
- Direction of Application
- % Tension in Tape
KTE 3 Workbook or eBook
3 Rolls of Kinesio Equine Tape
- 1 Yellow
- 1 Green
- 1 Brown
- Colors may vary
1 Copy of Advanced Healing
1 Kinesio Bag
Brochures & Flyers
Course Certificate
Description for Agenda
- Doctors in Veterinary Medicine
- Equine Physiotherapists
- Doctor of Chiropractic- Equine/Animal Certified
- Doctor of Osteopathy- Equine/Animal Certified
- Case dependent consideration:
- Massage Therapists
- Veterinary Technicians and Physical Therapy Assistants only if Certified Equine Rehabilitation Assistant
Description for Gallery
Description for Reviews
Description for Instructor