
Kinesio Taping® Canine for Dog Lovers
By Dr. Kenzo Kase
KINESIO TAPING® CANINE FOR DOG LOVERS. Effective Kinesio Taping on the Fur, A Non-Shave Method for Follicular Stimuli. The Kinesio Taping® Method can be used for equine and canine rehabilitation, postural changes, musculoskeletal issues, and with complementary therapies. The Kinesio Taping® Canine for Dog Lovers books discusses what to look for and describes symptoms to help a dog owner quickly discover the best Certified Kinesio TapingTM application to use. Included are clearly written, step by step directions and detailed illustrations to help dog owners easily apply Kinesio Taping® canine applications to the target areas. Always consider the history or circumstances surrounding the appearance of pain or injury. Always talk with your veterinarian and discuss your dog’s health and needs. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction by Dr Kase Chapter 1: Kinesio Taping for Dogs Canine Skin Observation Canine Symptoms & Taping Guidelines Cutting Kinesio Tape & Kinesio Tape Removal Kinesio Canine Tape Basic Canine Anatomy Chapter 2: Introduction to Kinesio Taping Chapter 3: Canine Nutrition Chapter 3: Kinesio Canine Applications Forelimb Injury (monkey or pin muscle longhead triceps) Biceps Tendon Torn or Detached (transverse humeral ligament) Biceps Muscle at the Shoulder Torn or Detached Insertion of Biceps Brachii Torn Origin or insertion of Extensor Carpi Radialis Pectoralis Chest Wall Abdominal Muscle Sartorius Muscle Damage Tensor Fasciae Latae Gracilis Muscle The Origin of Biceps Brachii Inflammation Insertion of Biceps Brachii Detached Tendon Foreleg Damage Impacting Paw Flexion Flexor Muscle Long Extensor Muscle of Digits Tendon Achilles Tendon From Fibular Tarsal Bone of Flexor Digitorum Superficialis Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Collateral Ligament Meniscus Patellar Dislocation Hip Dysplasia – “Jellyfish” Femur Head Necrosis Slipped Disk Broken Sesamoid Bone Stenosis (spinal canal) Stenosis for a Larger Dog Whiplash Whiplash for a Larger Dog Abnormal Curvature of the Spine Round Back (spine curvature due to aging) Sinus Pressure Sun Protection for Light-Nosed Dog Glossary Be sure to also get your Kinesio Canine Tape. kinesio-tape-canine-box-roll.jpg LEARN TO TAPE YOUR DOG www.KinesioCanineTaping.com KINESIO TAPING® CANINE FOR DOG LOVERS ONLINE COURSE EFFECTIVE KINESIO TAPING ON THE FUR, A NON-SHAVE METHOD FOR FOLLICULAR STIMULI. The Kinesio Taping® Method can be used for equine and canine rehabilitation, postural changes, musculoskeletal issues, and with complementary therapies. The Kinesio Taping® Canine for Dog Lovers discusses what to look for and describes symptoms to help a dog owner quickly discover the best Certified Kinesio Taping™ application to use. Always consider the history or circumstances surrounding the appearance of pain or injury. Always talk with your veterinarian and discuss your dog’s health and needs.