
Kinesio Taping® in Pediatrics, Fundamentals and Whole Body Taping
By Kenzo Kase DC, Patricia Martin PT, CKTI, Audrey Yasukawa MOT, OTR/L, CKTI
With the ever growing need for effective, beneficial and safe modalities for children, Kinesio® Taping has stepped up and become the leader in taping for children in need of rehabilitation due to neuro-developmental deficits, neuromuscular and muscular skeletal diagnoses, as well as congenital disabilities. Kinesio® Taping in Pediatrics, Fundamentals and Whole Body Taping is praised for its unprecedented user friendly style and full color format, this manual is a must have for any pediatric therapist that uses or will use the Kinesio® Taping Method. Covering conditions that affect children from infant to adolescent, focusing on the necessary foundation needed to increase your effectiveness of the Kinesio® Taping applications that will enable your patients to live more productive lives. As the old saying goes, “It takes an entire community to raise a child,” Kinesio® Taping is proud to be an integral part of this community.