

Fundamental Concepts of Kinesio Taping (KT1)

Seminar Date: Jan 25, 2017

Seminar Instructor(s)

Sandra Andersson CKTP

Seminar Location

YSTAD Rehab Center

Aulingatan 22A


For more information please contact:

Course Description

KT1 Fundamental Concepts, Screening/Muscle Test, & Muscle Applications
(To be taken in conjunction with KT2)

The KT1 course is designed to introduce practitioners to the Kinesio Taping® Method. Over the course of this 8 hour class, the instructor will discuss the fundamental concepts of the Kinesio Taping Method and the unique properties and use of Kinesio® Tex Tape. During lab sessions, attendees will have ample time to practice screening and muscle testing created for the enhancement of your KT skills and muscle applications for both the upper and lower body. Upon completion of this course, attendees will be able to discuss and apply the Kinesio Taping Method to relax overuse syndromes, stimulate weak muscles, and decrease pain and swelling. In addition to instruction provided by a Certified Kinesio Taping Instructor (CKTI), the attendee will receive 2 full-color Kinesio Taping Workbooks (KT1 Workbook 1) to augment their training. Each attendee also receives 60 day membership to the Kinesio Taping® Association which includes access to a reference data base.

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