Gul Baltaci

KTA Since: 2006

CKTP Since: 2008

CKTI Since: 2008

Places Taught
Ankara, Istanbul, Izmir, Antalya, Samsun, Izmit

Additional Fields
Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries, Taping, Exercise Physiology, Research Methods in Sports Physiotherapy, Evidence-Based Applications in Clinical Decision

RESEARCH ARTICLES IN KINESIOTAPING 1. Baltaci G, Ozunlu Pekyavas N, Atay OA. Short-time Effect of Sterile Kinesio Tape applied during Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction on Edema, Pain and Range of Motion. Res Sports Med. 2023; 31(5): 550-561. 2. Karabicak GO, Ozunlu Pekyavas N, Baltaci G, Karacam Z. Does kinesio taping have an effect on kinetics and kinematics after lower limb musculoskeletal injuries? Systematic review and meta-analysis. Disabil Rehabil. 2023; 21:1-10. 3. Eraslan L, Baltaci G. Effectiveness of kinesio taping and night splinting along with physical therapy intervention on symptoms and functionality: A Double-Blind Randomized Controlled Trial for Moderate Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2023;102(11):975-983. 4. Terzio?lu F; Ozden E, Çil C; K?l?c S, Sariyildiz G; Baltaci G. The Effects of Evidence-Based Kinesio Taping and ERAS on Bowel Functions, Pain, and Wound Healing After Caesarian: A Randomized Controlled Study. International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 5. Yildiz S, Pamuk U, Baltaci G, Yucesoy CA. Effects of Kinesio Taping on Muscle Contractile Properties: Assessment Using Tensiomyography. J Sport Rehabil. 2021; 31(3):263-270 6. Arslan SA, Erbahçeci F, Yorulmaz E, Baltaci G. Clinical effectiveness of rigid or kinesio taping and manual therapy on pain and function in patients with shoulder impingement syndrome Journal of Exercise Therapy and Rehabilitation. 2021;8(2):133-143 7. Naci B, Ozyilmaz S, Aygutalp N, Demir R, Baltaci G, Yigit Z. Effects of Kinesio Taping and compression stockings on pain, edema, functional capacity, and quality of life in patients with chronic venous disease: a randomized controlled trial Clinical Rehabilitation 2020;34(6):783-793. 8. Senbursa G, Ozunlupekyavas N, Baltaci G. Comparison Of Physiotherapy Approaches In Low Back Pain: A Randomized Controlled Trial Kor J Fam Med. 2020 9. Kirmizigil B, Chauchat JR, Yalciner O, Iyigun G, Angin E, Baltaci G. The Effectiveness of Kinesio Taping in Recovering from Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness: A Cross-Over Study. J Sport Rehabil. 2019 Mar 12:1-28. doi:10.1123/jsr.2018-0389. 10. Eraslan L, Yuce D, Erbilici A, Baltaci G. Response to the letter to the editor: Comment on "Does Kinesiotaping improve pain and functionality in patients with newly diagnosed lateral epicondylitis?" Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2019 Mar 21. doi: 10.1007/s00167-019-05454-x. 11. Saltan A, Baltaci G. Does Kinesio Taping Affect in Reducing Fall Risk in Older Adults: a Pilot Study J Sports Med Physical Fitness, 2019;59(8):1346-1352. 12. Tekin D, Agopyan A, Baltaci G. Balance Training in Modern Dancers: Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Training vs Kinesio Taping Medical Problems of Performing Artists 2018;33(3):156-165 13. OzunluPekyavas N, Sarioglu K, Baltaci G. Effects of kinesio taping on thoracolumbal fascia flexibility in patients with subacromial impingement syndrome J Bodywork and Movement Therapies, 2018; 22(4): 863-4. 14. Eraslan L, Yuce D, Erbilici A., Baltaci G, Non-Surgical Treatment Approaches in Patients with Newly Diagnosed Lateral Epicondylitis: A Randomized Controlled Trial" Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, 2018; 26(3): 938-45 15. Orhan C, Kaya Kara O, Kaya S, Akbayrak T, Kerem Gunel M, Baltaci G. The effects of connective tissue manipulation and Kinesio Taping on chronic constipation in children with cerebral palsy: a randomized controlled trial. Disabil Rehabil. 2018; 40(1): 10-20. 16. Turgut E, Ayhan C, Baltaci G, Repositioning the scapula with taping following distal radius fracture: Kinematic analysis using three-dimensional motion system J Hand Ther, 2017; 30(4): 477-82 17. Tunay VB, Baltac? G. Does Kinesio Taping affect in Soft Tissue Injuries? Turkish Orthopaedic Society Journal, 2017; 16: 238-246 18. Talu B, Bayramlar K, Baltaci G. Effect Of Kinesio Taping And Soft Orthosis Application On The Pain And Functional Disability In Lumbar Region Pathologies Without Neurological Deficits: A Randomized Controlled Experimental Study Int J Physiotherapy, 2016; 3(6): 650-56 19. Koç ?, AtalayGüzel N, Baltaci G, Akarçe?me C. The Effect Of Kinesiotaping On Isokinetic Knee Strength During Long Term Volleyball Training Program Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, 2016; 27(3): 89-94. 20. Caglar A, Pekyavas NO, T??l? AA, Aytar A, Baltaci G. Are the Kinesio Tape colors effective for patient perception? A randomized single blind trial J Exercise Therapy and Rehabilitation 2016;3(3):90-95 21. Harput G, Ulusoy B, Ozer H, Baltaci G, Richards J. External supports improve knee performance in anterior cruciate ligament reconstructed individuals with higher kinesiophobia levels. Knee. 2016; 23(5):807-12. 22. Stockheimer KR, Baltaci G, Forrester GG, Frassine S, Wolkenberg A. Research requires deep knowledge of the modality to be tested. J Physiother. 2016;62(2):118. 23. Pekyavas NO, Baltaci G. Short-term effects of high-intensity laser therapy, manual therapy, and Kinesio taping in patients with subacromial impingement syndrome. Lasers Med Sci. 2016;31(6):1133-41. 24. Harput G, Guney H, Toprak U, Colakoglu F, Baltaci G. Acute effects of scapular kinesiotaping on shoulder rotator strength, range of motion and acromiohumeral distance in asymptomatic overhead athletes. J Sports Med Phys Fitness. 2016 Jul [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 27391411. 25. Gursen C, Inanoglu D, Kaya S, Akbayrak T, Baltaci G. Effects of exercise and Kinesio taping on abdominal recovery in women with cesarean section: a pilot randomized controlled trial. Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2016;293(3):557-65. 26. Kaya Kara O, Atasavun Uysal S, Turker D, Karayazgan S, Gunel MK, Baltaci G. The effects of Kinesio Taping on body functions and activity in unilateral spastic cerebral palsy: a single-blind randomized controlled trial. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2015;57(1):81-8. 27. K?l?nç HE, Harput G, Baltaci G. Additional effects of kinesio taping to mobilization techniques in chronic mechanical neck pain Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, 2015; 26(2): 86-92 28. Medeni ÖÇ, Baltaci G, Vayvay GD. Acute Effect Of Kinesiotape Muscle Technique On Hamstring Flexibility and Pain During Stretching Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, 2015; 26(2): 73-77 29. Akel BS, Demirel A, Baltaci G. Determination Of Grip Contact Areas With Stereologic Measurement In Children With Hemiparetic Cerebral Palsy Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, 2015; 26(2): 86-92 30. Kaya DO, Baltaci G, Toprak U, Atay AO. The clinical and sonographic effects of kinesiotaping and exercise in comparison with manual therapy and exercise for patients with subacromial impingement syndrome: a preliminary trial. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2014;37(6):422-32. 31. ?nano?lu D, Baltaci G. The effect of different taping applications on pain and quality of life in patients with low back pain without neurologic deficits Journal of Exercise Therapy and Rehabilitation. 2014;1(1):26-34 32. Bicici S, Karatas N, Baltaci G. Effect of athletic taping and kinesiotaping on measurements of functional performance in basketball players with chronic inversion ankle sprains. Int J Sports Phys Ther. 2012;7(2):154-66. 33. Karatas N, Bicici S, Baltaci G, Caner H. The effect of Kinesiotape application on functional performance in surgeons who have musculo-skeletal pain after performing surgery. Turk J. Neurosurg. 2012;22(1):83-9. 34. Haksever B, Aktas G, Baltaci G. Initial effect of kinesio taping on performance and balance during soccer Medicina Dello Sport 2012; 65(2): 223-234 35. Aytar A, Özünlü N, Sürenkök Ö, Baltaci G, Oztop P, Karatas M. Initial Effects Of Kinesio Taping In Patients With Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Clinical Trial Isokinetics and Exercise Science 2011;19(2):135-42 36. Aktas G, Baltaci G. Does kinesiotaping increase muscular strength and functional performance of knee: a controlled trial Isokinetics and Exercise Science 2011; 19(3): 149-155 37. Soylu AR, Irmak R, Baltaci G. Acute Effects of Kinesiotaping on Muscular Endurance and Fatigue by using Surface Electromyography signals of masseter muscle Medicina Sportiva; 2011; 15(3): 13-16

American College of Sports Medicine International Award 1999

1986- Associaiton of Physiotherapists in Turkey Secretary General (1994-1998) 1996- American College of Sports Medicine Professional Member-FELLOW (2001) 1999- International Association of Physical Education and Sport for Girls and Women Professional Member 1999- Türk Spor Yaralanmalar? Artroskopi ve Diz Cerrahisi Derne?i 1999- Spor Fizyoterapistleri Derne?i-Türkiye Genel Sekreter 1999-2009 International Federation of Sports Physiotherapy (IFSP) Yönetim Kurulu Üyesi 2005- Association of American Shoulder and Elbow Therapists-Professional Member 2007- 2009 Osteoarthritis Research Society International (OARSI)-Professional Member

She graduated from School of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation at Hacettepe University in 1986, completed Master of Science Degree at Exercise Physiology Department in Middle East Technical University in 1990 and Philosophy of Doctorate at Physiology Department in Gazi University Medical Faculty in 1994. She had an academic degree at Hacettepe University as assistant professor in 1995 and associate professor in 1997. After that, she worked at Baylor Sports Medicine Institute, Houston-Texas as “Fellow” in 1998. She won International Scholar Award belongs to American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and went to Baylor Sports Medicine Institute Houston-Texas as researcher for 2 months in 1999. Dr. Baltaci has already given Exercise Physiology, Basic Physiology, Orthopaedic Rehabilitation and Rehabilitation of Athletic Injuries at Atlas University as professor. She is also currently President of Turkish Sports Physiotherapy Association. Kinesio Taping Basic and Advanced Courses on behalf of Kinesio Taping Association International in Turkey as an instructor. She had already given a total of 100 courses including Kinesio Taping Courses 1, 2 and 3 since 2008. She is served in Research Committee on behalf of Kinesio Taping Association International since 2008. She has a private clinic since December 2022. She is married and has one daughter.