Canine Pectoralis

The damage to this muscle or its attaching tendon is usually as a result of strenuous activity. This can happen during canine sports at the starting of a race or during the course of normal daily activities.

Body Area: Pectoralis. The pectoral muscle of the canine is one of the muscles in the chest.
Observation: Panting is normal but heavy panting can be a sign of stress or a sign that your dog may be in pain. If the dog is have difficulty getting comfortable or is trying to reposition themselves that may be a sign of pain. Increased body tension or flinching may also be in response to pain.
Pet Position: Place dog in a standing position where the dog is comfortable and can relax.
Owner Position: The owner takes an easy-to-apply position according to the posture in which the dog can relax. Sometimes an assistant may be needed to keep your dog still while applying canine tape.
Targeted Tissue: From the outside of the shoulder joint towards the sternum
Application Check List: Measure the size of the tape strip from the outside of the shoulder joint towards the sternum.
– There should be no tension on ends of tape.
– Rub to activate the adhesive
– Apply tape to affected area side only.
1. Anchor the tape on the outside of the shoulder joint. Rub to activate the adhesive 1. Anchor the tape on the outside of the shoulder joint. Rub to activate the adhesive
2. Place a Y-strip toward the sternum from the outside of the shoulder joint with a tension of 20%. 2. Place a Y-strip toward the sternum from the outside of the shoulder joint with a tension of 20%.
3. Put the tail of the Y-strip along the pectoral muscle also with a tension of 20%. Rub to activate the adhesive 3. Put the tail of the Y-strip along the pectoral muscle also with a tension of 20%. Rub to activate the adhesive
4. Completed Application 4. Completed Application
Get More Taping Applications Like This In Kinesio Taping® Canine for Dog Lovers kinesio-taping-canine-for-dog-lovers

By KinesioTape

Kinesio® cannot be understood without understanding our story. Dr. Kenzo Kase developed the Kinesio Taping® Method in the 1970s to fill a void in the treatment options that were available at that time. He was searching for a way to facilitate the body’s natural healing process and prolong the benefits of his treatment after his patients left his clinic. Through his education as a chiropractor, his innate ability to sense internal pain and dysfunction through the skin and his creative therapeutic mind, Dr. Kase was able to develop new methods of treating his diagnoses. Among these methods, Kinesio® Taping industry was born and soon all other therapeutic elastic tape companies built upon Kinesio tape and methods.

The Kinesio Taping® Method is a definitive rehabilitative taping technique that is designed to facilitate the body’s natural healing process while providing support and stability to muscles and joints without restricting the body’s range of motion.

Latex-free and wearable for days at a time, Kinesio® Tex Tape is safe for populations ranging from pediatric to geriatric, and successfully treats a variety of orthopedic, neuromuscular, neurological and other medical conditions.

If it doesn’t say Kinesio®, its not the real thing

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